10 suggerimenti per gestire efficacemente i team virtuali

Quasi ogni individuo lavora in un ambiente di squadra, questo perché cè sempre stata la convinzione che i team altamente efficaci siano quelli che si trovano insieme. La maggior parte dei manager normalmente decide di co-localizzare il proprio team in seguito alla riorganizzazione, nonostante il fatto che una costante turbolenza di individui che migrano da un luogo a un altro venga vista dagli altri come improduttiva.

è un fenomeno mondiale che sta influenzando il personale del team in una direzione diversa. Strumenti di collaborazione online, comunicazioni affidabili e veloci così come Internet stanno facilitando le persone che si uniscono in team che non sono più co-localizzati. Tali team sono indicati come team virtuali. Sono veri e propri team che possono adattarsi con successo alla definizione classica di lavorare insieme, in modo da raggiungere un insieme comune di scopi / obiettivi. Il termine virtuale è perché questi team non interagiscono o comunicano nel modo tradizionale, cioè faccia a faccia.

10 suggerimenti per la gestione dei team virtuali

There are a good number of special techniques that can be used in the successful virtual team management,the main ones include the following: 1. Obiettivi del team One of the tips for managing a virtual team is that it is important for all the team members to be aware of and properly understand exactly what they are doing together. This is because they risk being individual contributors if only personal roles and work are what is understood. Establishing clear and comprehensive team objectives is therefore a good way to manage a virtual team. 2. Promemoria squadra It is a reality that if individual members of a team feel like they are working independently that they will act so. However,if individual members are aware of the fact that they compose a larger team with common deliverables and objectives,things are bound to work well. This is because they will definitely feel better concerning their work and this will translate in their active collaboration with other members of the team. An effective way of managing global virtual teams therefore partly has to do with reminding everybody that they are a team. 3. Regole di base It is critical for virtual teams to exhibit a set of behavior that is both acceptable and common to themselves regardless of their remote nature. This is one of the most fundamental tips for virtual team management. Ground rules here refers to things such as:• Setting standard working hours for all members of a team.

• Establishing times for lunch breaks.

• Determining mandatory meetings,i.e. telephone,web-based or in-person.

• Definition of expectations with regard to communication turnaround times.Establishing ground rules is the key to manage a virtual team and should never be overlooked. 4. Riunioni regolari When it comes to how to manage virtual teams effectively,it is necessary to organize regular meetings with the entire team and with individuals. This should be done both face-to-face and online. Online meetings can be conducted via video conferencing solutions,like ezTalks Cloud Meeting.ezTalks Cloud Meeting has amazing features that satisfies all business needs. What makes it attractive is that it offers a convenient free version to all interested consumers and this comes with most premium features. This free version caters for up to 100 participants. It has the following features:• Quick access to meeting – It is very easy to join meetings with ezTalks cloud meeting. This is because team members can simply login to a meeting via a browser,registration is not required.• Audio quality and super HD video – Audio and video quality is very important for online meetings. ezTalks Cloud Meeting has 1080P and 1920P HD resolutions that ensure audio and video transmissions are crystal clear.• Convenient annotation and screen sharing – Virtual teams can use ezTalks Cloud Meeting to present word,PDF and PPT files. Sharing screens is also easy as you just open file and then click desktop shareing.• Record online meetings – Virtual teams can record meetings with ezTalks Cloud Meeting.• Online meeting scheduling - It is quite easy for virtual teams to schedule a meeting with ezTalks Cloud Meeting.• Text live chat.• Control meeting settings and participants. 5. Assegnazioni più brevi It is better to give out shorter assignments when managing virtual teams. This is the only way to ensure that they will be completed in good time. This means apportioning the work,so as to easily track it. 6. Gestione del carico di lavoro Another tip on how to manage a virtual team is that one should be explicit and precise when assigning work to the members of a virtual team. Furthermore,it is important to follow up,so as to ensure that all the work is completed in good time. 7. Adeguare le differenze di orario It is advisable to adjust as well as compromise on the differences in time. What is convenient for one may not be necessarily convenient for other members of the team. 8. Sensibilità alle differenze culturali Virtual teams comprise of people from multiple cultures and countries. This is why it is important to appreciate the differences in how people work and behave when managing a virtual team. 9. Gestisci le aspettative It is wise to manage expectations because there are members of the virtual team who would want at some stage to move to headquarters. It is therefore good to have knowledge from the beginning of what to offer them at such times. 10. Comprensione condivisa durante il reclutamento Virtual team members should be people who share previous similarities and experiences and those who have worked internationally. This refers to educational background,worked on similar projects and shared training activities. The objective is to have diversity and to build trust with a point of contact.


La gestione del team virtuale è inevitabile man mano che le aziende progrediscono per espandersi in tutto il mondo. I dieci suggerimenti sopra descritti aiuteranno i manager a ottenere il meglio dai loro team virtuali.
