5 vantaggi dei team virtuali

In un mondo che è costantemente in movimento, il concetto di "ufficio" sembra essere il migliore nel XX secolo. Con lascesa della tecnologia cloud e la crescente necessità per le persone di rimanere mobili, lidea di andare in un ufficio sembra svanire rapidamente. In qualità di proprietario di unazienda, non è più necessario spendere migliaia di dollari per affittare uno spazio ufficio e gestire un team interno.

Non importa se gestisci una start-up snella o unattività redditizia di lunga durata. Hai sempre la possibilità di godere dei vantaggi dei team virtuali. Quando si dispone di un team virtuale, non solo si vedono minori costi di personale, ma si trae anche profitto da una forza lavoro altamente motivata e produttiva. Confuso se questa decisione si rivelasse giusta per te? Non preoccuparti. Ecco alcuni motivi per considerare la creazione di un team virtuale.

I 5 principali vantaggi dei team virtuali

1. Costi di ufficio inferiori This is an obvious one virtual team benefit,but did you ever realize how the cost of an office can add up to a significant amount? No,we're not only talking about the rent you pay for office space,but also the costs involved in paying for electricity,computer equipment,the refreshment for the employees,furniture and sundries,among others.If your business is relatively new,having to support an in-house team that can wreak havoc with your finances. Even if you're highly profitable,the amount you would spend in running an office is better utilized elsewhere. It is said that managing a team that works virtually can save staffing costs by 40%. 2. Accesso a Global Talents When you hire locally,there is no choice but to live with the restrictions that come from having a small talent pool. You only get access to a certain amount of potential employees in your own city that may or may not have experience in your work area. However,one of the virtual team benefits is that going virtual will give you the power to hire people from all around the globe.You can handpick the best talent available out there as virtual teams are not restricted by geographical and time zones. There aren't any other constraints as well that are faced by in-house teams. Having a global pool of talent will give your company the edge it needs to outshine your competitors. 3. Riduzione dei costi dei dipendenti Another benefit of a virtual team is your ability to hire people from countries with lower living costs. An employee from India,Thailand,or the Philippines is going to cost much less than someone hailing from San Francisco or New York. And the best part is that there is no noticeable difference between the qualities of work they produce.In addition to getting a global pool of talent,you also get cheaper employees,which would be more than willing to work full-time at $ 1000 per month. 4. Riduci i tempi di viaggio e ottieni più produttività Increased productivity comes naturally when your employees do not have to travel to work each day. Working from home will allow them to log on and off at a designated time and work from the comfort of their homely atmosphere. Apart from flexibility in working hours,there will be no distractions that are usually associated with working in an office environment,with the help of virtual team tools.According to a study done by Stanford,employees showed an increase in productivity by 13% when they worked remotely. Your employees will also enjoy a better quality of life comes with balancing work and fun. Wouldn't you like to enjoy such benefits of a virtual team? 5. Attività in linea 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 If you truly desire your company to go global,then it must be online all hours of the day. If speed is of the essence of your business,you can capitalize different time zones by delegating work according to individual time zones. When you have a business that is ready to serve customers 24 hours a day,7 days a week,it won't take long for you to expand.


La flessibilità che deriva dalla gestione di un team virtuale non ha eguali, poiché ti dà la possibilità di modificare la configurazione in base alle sfide in continua evoluzione. È tempo che tu metta insieme un tuo team virtuale altamente motivato, pronto ad andare oltre le tue aspettative. Con il team giusto a tua disposizione in ogni momento, il successo non può essere molto lontano.
