Come prepararsi per un colloquio in videoconferenza?

Allora, cosè un colloquio in videoconferenza e perché ne hai bisogno? Le interviste in videoconferenza sono interviste in cui le interviste sono prese con il video come mezzo di comunicazione. È un modo conveniente per condurre i colloqui quando lintervistatore e lintervistato sono separati da unenorme distanza fisica.

I colloqui in videoconferenza assicurano che la distanza non sia più una barriera fisica nella ricerca e nellassicurazione del lavoro e che tu puoi candidarti per il lavoro dei tuoi sogni, non importa dove vivi. Con laiuto delle interviste in videoconferenza, le persone non devono più preoccuparsi del trasporto e di altri costi correlati mentre si recano in un altro luogo per sostenere o rilasciare un colloquio.

Tuttavia, molti commettono lerrore di prepararsi per un colloquio in videoconferenza nello stesso modo in cui si farebbe per un colloquio faccia a faccia. Ciò che è importante capire è che sebbene le domande dellintervista in videoconferenza potrebbero essere le stesse, i preparativi di tale intervista dovrebbero essere leggermente diversi, poiché il mezzo di comunicazione è diverso. La preparazione per un colloquio in videoconferenza richiede lo stesso impegno che impiegheresti per un colloquio faccia a faccia.

I migliori suggerimenti per aiutarti a prepararti per un video Colloquio in conferenza

Here are a few tips on how to prepare for a video conferencing interview. Have a look. Familiarità con gli strumenti Interviewers generally arrange for professional video conferencing software to use during these interviews and as such,it is advisable to be familiar with popular tools such as ezTalks Meetings software,a professional and powerful video conferencing software to let interviewers conduct interviews via Windows PC,Mac,Android device and iOS devices from anywhere effoerlessly. Try to understand the ins and outs of the technical aspects of these video conferencing software. If you can try out a free demo of these tools,it would be a great help to familiarize you with the tools. Fotocamera Know where to look. It is always essential to maintain eye contact in any interview and it is the same for a video conferencing interview. As such,you should take care to look at the computer camera rather than at the computer screen itself. The computer screen will just show your interviewers. It is not the medium through which your face will be relayed to them.You can look at the screen on occasion,but most of the times,remember to look straight at the camera so that you are looking directly at your interviewers which also shows that you are interested in the interview. Pulizia corretta You should keep in mind that the atmosphere for a video conferencing interview is as formal as any other interview and as such,you should not be attending the interview in your favourite T-Shirt and jeans. Wear a formal dress,same as what you would wear for a face-to-face interview. Ensure that your face and your hair is clean and professional in appearance. Wearing a graphic tee,or just wearing a formal shirt with your house shorts because you think they can't see them won't help at all. Controllo di altoparlanti e microfoni Double-check your speakers and microphones to ensure that you can properly hear through them. Schedule dummy interviews through the same tool with someone you know to ensure that you hear properly. Speak slowly but fluently,and make sure that your words can be easily understand through the speakers. Gesti If you have a tendency to use lot of hand gestures just because you are on video,do not to do that. Limit your facial and hand gestures to the same amount as you would in a face-to-face interview. Too many hand gestures may distract interviewers away from what you are saying. Background Keep the background as plain as possible. Remove any dump of clothes that may be seen,or any fancy posters from the walls. It would be helpful just to have the bare wall as your background as it will avoid distractions and appear minimal and professional. Avoid having a mirror on the wall behind you as well. Make sure no one disturbs you during the course of the interview. Try to avoid having loud noises or sounds heard during the interview.


Oltre ai suggerimenti di cui sopra, esercitati e preparati per le domande dellintervista, ed evita di fare domande che non dovresti mai fare durante le interviste in videoconferenza, tieni pronto tutto il tuo materiale. Quando arriva il colloquio in videoconferenza, prendi in considerazione letichetta del colloquio in videoconferenza e sii sicuro di poterlo risolvere. Buona fortuna!
