Come applicare la teleconferenza nellistruzione

Con le aziende che espandono la loro presenza internazionale, la tecnologia di teleconferenza viene utilizzata per mantenere i dipendenti collegati. La tecnologia è implementata da molte aziende con più sedi e personale disperso. Grazie alla capacità di mantenere i dipendenti collegati, le aziende possono ora prendere decisioni più rapide e ridurre i costi di viaggio. Molti istituti di istruzione e tutti i tipi di scuole stanno iniziando a sfruttare questa tecnologia per migliorare il loro insegnamento. La tecnologia ha migliorato la capacità degli studenti di partecipare in modo efficace e creativo in un mondo in crescita e competitivo. Gli studenti stanno ora acquisendo esperienze del mondo reale e condividendo informazioni con docenti, esperti e colleghi di tutto il mondo premendo un pulsante. Nella parte seguente, vorremmo mostrarvi la teleconferenza nellistruzione.

Limportanza della teleconferenza nellistruzione

1. Apprendimento remoto One of the most apparent advantages of teleconferencing in education is remote learning. Students no longer have to feel confined to their classrooms. With teleconferencing,they can reap the benefits of knowledge from all over the globe. They can interact with experts,students from other schools,and visit places they have never visited at the push of a button.

With teleconferencing,educators can make themselves available even when they are not at the school. This means they can lecture students who might need their help outside office hours,or collaborate with other experts and specialists without them having to be in the same classroom. 2. Non cè bisogno di andare in gita As teleconferencing can be conducted anywhere in the world between different classrooms,no longer do students need to go on field trips as much. This will save the schools the time and the energy. Cost reductions can also be significant. Being able to teleconference with hundreds of students will certainly reduce expenses. Compared to the conventional method of cost of bus,train flight and meals,teleconferencing offer many cost savings. You can take your students on a trip thousands of miles away with only at a push of a button. The school management can use the time and cost saved from reduced trips more productively. 3. Frequenta il corso da casa Another use of teleconferencing in education is that it allows students attend class from home. Sometimes students may miss classes due to illness or challenges related to living in remote areas. Teleconferencing gives these students a real chance to attend classes from their homes,meaning they won't fall behind in class. This also works perfect for educators as staff meetings can be done through teleconferencing. This simply means that staff members can cut straight to the live meeting and eliminate the unnecessary travelling and stress. The meeting can also be recorded and passed to staff members who were unable to take part in the live meeting. 4. Rafforzare gli scambi tra le scuole Weeks after a devastating earthquake struck Haiti in 2010,hundreds of high school students from New Orleans in Louisiana gathered at Fisher to discuss with students from New American School in Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince. The students shared terrifying experiences,messages of hope and encouragement,as they bonded over a video conference initiated by the Global Nomads Group. Most schools are using the technology to connect with students from other schools. This presents a great opportunity for students to connect with other students that they would possibly never meet otherwise. 5. Invita gli esperti al corso ovunque si trovino With teleconferencing in education,boring classroom learning is a thing of the past. The technology gives educators new and exciting ways to teach their students. For instance,the technology allows teachers to invite guest speakers into the class to help illustrate important points in her lesson. This allows for an interactive experience for students with experts that boast a wealth of skills in the field being discussed. As well all know,specialists often have busy schedules. As such,teleconferencing is a better option as it can reduce travel time and simplify visits. Using this technology,a major college in a rural area was able to connect chemist specials with students undertaking the course for a detailed workshop. 6. Collegare le scuole rurali agli esterni per una migliore educazione nLimited resources remain the common problem in most rural schools. Students in these areas have missed out on countless opportunities that their urban counterparts continue to explore. Connecting students in these areas via teleconferencing can greatly improve the quality of their education,ensuring that their rights to education are ultimately met both in practice and in theory.With teleconferencing in education,teachers connect their classes with the outside world to cross traditional classroom boundaries. This also prepares students to be citizens of the more open and more tolerant world of tomorrow.

Il miglior strumento per applicare la teleconferenza nellistruzione

Ci sono molti servizi di teleconferenza per listruzione là fuori, rendendo difficile per le scuole scegli quello che soddisferà le loro esigenze. Abbiamo trascorso alcuni giorni alla ricerca di servizi di teleconferenza che si adattassero al meglio alle tue esigenze educative. Durante la nostra ricerca, abbiamo scoperto che ezTalks Meetings merita di essere preso in considerazione e per buoni motivi.

Questo servizio di teleconferenza video disponibile per consentire alle scuole di offrire unesperienza di apprendimento remoto di alta qualità ai propri studenti, invita gli esperti a farlo presentazioni online per i loro studenti da qualsiasi parte del mondo, riunisci insegnanti sulla stessa pagina per partecipare a corsi di formazione e scambiare esperienze di insegnamento, registrare lezioni online per la riproduzione dopo le lezioni.

Come puoi vedere, la teleconferenza nellistruzione è vantaggiosa per insegnanti e studenti! Listruzione sta cambiando rapidamente e quindi insegnanti e studenti dovrebbero adottare la tecnologia di teleconferenza per migliorare la loro esperienza di apprendimento. Fonte immagine clipart e PNG da pngkey, nicepng, pikpng, pinclipart.
